My Story 

Just want to start by saying thank you for being here! Sharing my story hasn’t always been easy for me, but it is something I have grown to appreciate as it has been filled with many lessons and endless blessings!

Anywho.. HI! My name is Emma & my weight loss journey is quite the story.

Growing up, I was always the ‘bigger kid’, which always puzzled my parents as I was highly active in sports & maintained a relatively healthy diet. This puzzlement led to further physical investigation that revealed that I had severe hypothyroidism & was diagnosed at 11 years old.

Along with my diagnosis came medication to manage my thyroid & the some exceedingly poor medical advice: follow the Keto diet. With the insanely dedicated spirit that I have always had, I followed these orders to a T, which led to the development of a severe eating disorder: orthorexia & bulimia, at just 11 years old. Within the span of 4 months, I lost 60 lbs. Doing so at such a young age with very little guidance & such an unhealthy relationship with food, I managed to gain all the weight back within a year.

From that point forward, I struggled severely with my relationship with food & my body. Finally, on my 21st birthday (March 11th 2021~ this is important later in the story), I woke up, weighed myself, & saw 215 lbs on the scale. I was in absolute shock & decided at that very moment that I was done. I was done hating my body. I was done having a terrible relationship with food. There was no more “oh I’ll start tomorrow”.. that day was the last I could handle. & so.. my current fitness journey began.

I started off with establishing a calorie deficit & doing random workouts I had found on TikTok. The weight started to slowly creep off & I was the happiest I had ever been in years. As I continued finding & trying those random TikTok workouts, I developed a deep love for weight lifting. With all these combined efforts, I was able to achieve my initial goal weight of 155 lbs by September of 2021. After I hit my initial goal weight, I continued weight lifting & intuitive eating, but I knew there was a deeper passion brewing in my heart.

One random day as I was finishing up my lift, a random trainer came up to me & asked if he could help me. Looking back now, that was truly God guiding me. I started training with him & a body builder he had been helping through her prep. As I watched her go through her prep, something in me knew that I was destined to end up on a stage & share my story.

Finally, in October of 2022, it was no longer a “I think I want to compete”, it was a “I’m freaking doing this”. So, I did some more research, found my coach, & started my 20-week bikini prep. & on March 11th, 2023, two years to the date that I had decided to start my fitness journey, I stepped on stage & won each of my divisions and overall bikini novice.

I refuse to believe that things don’t happen for a reason, the good & the bad. I firmly believe that I was placed in all the hardships of my journey in order to help others, & that is exactly what I get to do now! Being a fitness coach is not only my job.. its my passion. To be able to give to others what I have gotten from this journey makes my heart so abundantly full.

SO, thank you for being here, thank you for supporting me, & let’s get you towards your goals!

Em <3